Breckland Scientific 2021 Catalogue
Terms & Conditions
Breckland Scientific Supplies Limited - Terms & Conditions of Sale
All orders are accepted, and quotations given, subject to the following conditions unless otherwise agreed inwriting. By placing an order the buyer agrees to abide by these terms and conditions. Prices All prices quoted are based on current costs and are (except where agreed in writing) subject to variation without notice. Quotations provided are valid for 30 days. All prices are subject toV.A.T. at the prevailing rate at the time of invoice. Availability If an itemordered is out of stock, we will endeavour to supply the item as soon as possible. All items in this catalogue are subject to availability. From time to time, items may be discontinued or withdrawn from sale. Delivery Delivery dates quoted shall be estimates only andwhilst wewill endeavour tomeet such dates or individual requirements, we shall have no liability for any delay in despatch or delivery or for any loss occasioned thereby. We reserve the right to consolidate separate orders into a single delivery. We reserve the right to make delivery in instalments, all such instalments to be separately invoiced and paid for when due per invoice. Delivery rates are shown in the catalogue and are due per order and not per instalment. The buyer must notify the seller within 5working days of delivery of any discrepancy, loss or damage.We, the seller, must acknowledge this discrepancy, loss or damage. In the case of non-delivery the buyer must notify the seller within 5 working days of receipt of invoice or other notification of despatch. We reserve the right to make a re-delivery charge on all consignments if they are refused or cannot be delivered by our carrier to your preferred delivery point due to the fault of the buyer. - For schools, colleges & universities with a credit account Standard delivery is defined as 1-2 days fromdespatch of goods fromour premises. Deliveries containing ADR products take 3-4 days fromdespatch depending on location. a) FREE standard delivery for points orders. b) £4.50+VAT standard delivery for orders under £50+VAT
c) £6.50+VAT for same day despatch on a 24hr service (only applicable to items in stock) d) £12.50+VAT for next day delivery by midday service (only applicable to items in stock) If an order contains an ADR product: e) Order under £300: £14.95+VAT standard 3-4 day delivery Order over £300: Free
- For all other customers (including private individuals & companies, but excluding overseas - overseas customers should contact Eurostar Scientific (see pageV) Standard delivery is defined as 1-2 days fromdespatch of goods fromour premises. Deliveries containing ADR products take 3-4 days fromdespatch depending on location. a) £14.95+VAT standard delivery b) £24.95+VAT for same day despatch on a 24hr service (only applicable to items in stock) Cancellation, Returns &Warranty
Where received goods are faulty or delivered broken, customers can expect the goods to be exchanged or credited against their account if an alternative is either unavailable or unacceptable. This returns process will be at our expense. If a customer wishes to return goods for reasons other than faults or breakages, consideration will be given to all such requests. However, such amendments, cancellations or returns must be with the seller’s permission and by prior agreement. The cost of the return will be at the customer’s expense. Goods returned must be in their original packaging and in a resaleable condition. Software licences and specially sourced non-catalogue items are non-returnable unless agreed otherwise.We reserve the right tomake a handling charge up to 50%of the value.Where a credit note is issued, we reserve the right to cancel any unused credit notes after 6 months. All glassware and non-consumable products are covered by the manufacturers’ standard guarantee: 12 months unless otherwise stated. Breckland Scientific provides an additional 1 year guarantee against manufacturing defects and faults on all products excluding: consumables, glassware, chemicals and living/preserved materials. This does not cover wear & tear, accidental damage, power surge, and any consequential loss. We reserve the right to repair or replace any itemdeemed to be covered by this additional guarantee and exclude any item from this guarantee. This does not affect your statutory rights. Terms of Payment Payment in full in respect of all goods is due within 30 days of the invoice date. Payment in advance will be required for customers without credit facilities. If the Buyer fails tomake any payment by the due date, then we ‘The Seller’, will be entitled to suspend any further deliveries to the Buyer or to cancel the contract. Late payment may result in a) our applying interest to the outstanding amounts at the rate of 8%above bank of England Base Rate, b) our enforcing our rights under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013. Title of Goods The goods shall remain the property of Breckland Scientific Supplies Ltd until full payment of the appropriate invoice. Liability We shall incur no liability for direct, indirect or consequential loss, injury or damage to persons or property from any cause whatsoever, as a result of the handling of goods not in accordance with any safety instructions which may be issued from time to time or supplied by us with the goods or with any Government regulations, Health & safety requirements or codes of practice from time to time in force. Any liability incurred by us for any direct and indirect or consequential loss injury or damage to persons or property resulting from any negligence, delay, defect or failure in the goods or from any cause whatsoever shall be limited to a sum equal to the charges for the goods or that part so affected. All goods are sold on the understanding that the buyer is solely responsible for determining the suitability of the goods for the purpose for which they are intended. Trade Descriptions Act All descriptions, illustrations etc. are intended to portray a general description of the goods offered. Due to our continuous effort to source improved product we reserve the right to substitute product of equal or improved specification without notice, and we accept no responsibility for any loss caused by such alterations, provided the product is of comparable quality. Responsibility No warranty is given or implied as to the effectiveness or shelf life of the goods provided or that they will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific circumstances. Purchasers are advised to test and examine goods prior to use and take great care in cases where the use and/or storage of the goods involve danger to persons and/or property. Sale of Poisons & Chemicals The sale of listed poisons is restricted by the Pharmacy and Poisons Act (1933).We only supply such items to persons requiring them for a) use in trade or business and b) scientific education or research. To purchase such poisons or chemicals we require awritten order on an official order formand signed by the purchaser, stating name, address, trade, business or profession and purposes for which the poison is required.We do not supply private individuals with chemicals nor ship to residential addresses, regardless of whether it is the address of a business. The definition of a residential address is at our discretion. Health & Safety The buyer has a responsibility to ensure all goods supplied are stored and used responsibly and in accordance with all the appropriate legislation requirements and recommendations. The buyer is responsible for taking all steps necessary to eliminate or reduce the risk tohealth and/or safety arising fromthe possession, storage anduse of the goods. The products listed in this catalogue are intended for school laboratory use and teaching purposes, and are not for any other purpose, including but not limited to, use in food or drink for human consumption, in pharmaceuticals or inmedical devices. Copyright All descriptions and images in this catalogue are the property of Breckland Scientific Supplies Ltd andmay not be used or reproduced without prior written permission. Errors and Omissions Excepted. The Breckland Saver SchemeTerms & Conditions - The Breckland Saver Scheme “The Scheme” is operated by Breckland Scientific Supplies Limited“The Company”and designed to reward loyal school customers. The Scheme is open tomainland Schools only in the Countries of England &Wales. Schools wishing to participate in the Scheme must register and provide all the details requested to become a“member” The Company reserves the right, at any time without notice, to:
(a) terminate the scheme (b) decline membership
(c) on reasonable grounds, withdraw or cancel membership (d) alter or amend the conditions of operation of The Scheme. Reasonable grounds include: (i) any abuse or attempted abuse of the scheme (ii) any reasonable suspicion of dishonesty on the part of a member in connection with the scheme.
- Membership Members may be removed from the scheme at any time at the discretion of the Company. Members can leave the Scheme at any time. By leaving all points accrued will be cancelled and will not be reinstated. Members who do not place a non-points (with invoice vaue) order for more than 18 months will be deemed to have cancelled their membership and all points forfeited. - Points Points are collected on the value (excludingVAT) of product purchases made from the Company. Points are currently collected at the rate of 2 points per whole pound on every item. Points are attributed to products on a rounded down whole pound basis, and awarded to those products once delivered and invoiced. The Company shall be entitled at any time to cancel points awarded if the relevant products towhich such award relates are returnedor cancelled for any reason and a refundof the purchase price is givenor if the relevant products are exchanged for other products, unless such exchange is for products with an equivalent points value. Where the relevant products are exchanged for products of a lower points value The Company shall be entitled to cancel the balance of points between those originally collected and those collected in respect of the replacement products.
The current redemption value of points is one point equals one penny. Each point has a nominal cash value of 0.0001 pence, thus redeeming points provides a 99.9999% discount from the normal selling price We will not exchange points for cash and they are not transferrable. The rates of collection and redemption can be altered at the discretion of the Company.
All catalogue products can be purchased using points, plus any other goods and service that the company so wishes. If points are to be used for the purpose of purchasing products, this must be made clear at the point of ordering. Invoicing errors as a result will not be rectified, and full payment will be required.
497 T: 01785 227227 | sales@brec | F: 01785 227444
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